Procedures for FES
Communication with parents is important in our school community. We want to be sure parents know we are partnering with them each day for the success of their child/ren.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Communication with parents is important in our school community. We want to be sure parents know we are partnering with them each day for the success of their child/ren.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Dear Farmingville Parents,
The purpose for this is safely welcome and dismiss every FES student every day to effectively, efficiently and safely balance the need to respect the learning of every child in the class for the full instructional day.
As in so much of our work, this early arrival and early dismissal process is a communication partnership. The communication begins in the morning, at home, when you and your child/ren clearly talk about the arrival and dismissal plans for that day and the necessary paperwork/pass goes into school with your child/ren. This clear communication significantly reduces stress for your child and allows our FES office staff to effectively communicate and plan for dismissal. Phone calls throughout the day to you from your child or from you to the office staff regarding changes in dismissal plans complicate a process that can be thoughtfully simple and clear for your child/ren, you, teachers, and all FES staff. Keep in mind – we will always honor an emergency.
Effective our first day of school, FES has a new daily early arrivals, early dismissal, and parent pick up at dismissal procedures. The details are outlined on this page.
Thank you for being a valued part of our Farmingville Community. Working together, we are confident that this approach can streamline the daily dismissal process. As always, your feedback is welcome.
Nancy Caron, Chris Olson
Nancy Caron, Principal
Chris Olson, Elementary Supervisor
Daily Process
8:55–9:10 a.m. Students who arrive between 8:55 and 9:10 a.m. will be supervised in the gym.
9:10 a.m.–1:00 p.m. All dismissal communication for the day is entered into School Dismissal Manager by the parents for their students. This information is communicated to the classroom teachers after 1:30 p.m. by a report generated for each teacher by School Dismissal Manager.
Late arrivals (after 9:10 a.m.) report to the nurse.
1:00–3:40 p.m. No changes to a child’s dismissal for that day will be accepted. We will honor true emergencies.
3:40–3:55 p.m. FES office manages parent pick-up.
3:55–4:10 p.m. FES office focuses on bus dismissal only.
4:10–4:30 p.m. FES office focuses on late buses and parent pick-ups.
Daily Procedure
- Expectation – Please go into School Dismissal Manager and enter your child’s dismissal plans for the day.
- School Dismissal Manager will create a report of all students dismissal plans after 1:00 p.m. each day.
- The cutoff for entering your dismissal plans into School Dismissal Manager is 1:00 p.m.
- All classroom teachers will receive a dismissal report each day from School Dismissal Manager listing the dismissal plan for each student in their class.
- Students getting dismissed early are sent to the office at their designated dismissal time to be picked up by their parent or caregiver.
- Dismissal sequence:
3:40–4:10 p.m. No calls into the classroom.
3:45 p.m. We call down all students being picked up by their parents to the gym.
3:50–4:10 p.m. Students are dismissed by bus as they arrive at school.