Frequently Asked Questions
When it comes to raising children, questions come with the territory! We’ve put together the answers to the questions we hear the most to provide you with information you need right at your fingertips. If we haven’t answered your question here, please give us a call. We’re always happy to help.
How do I enroll my child at Farmingville Elementary School?
We are always happy to welcome new families to our learning community. Please visit our district Registration page for the information about enrolling your child at our school.
What are the school hours at FES?
Classes begin promptly at 9:10 a.m. and we dismiss students at 4:00 p.m. On early dismissal days, we release students at 12:15 p.m.
Please remember that parents may drop off their child no earlier than 8:50 a.m., as there is no adult supervision available before that time.
What do I need to do if my child will be absent from school?
If your child must miss school, please email or call our nurse, Chris Giacometti, at 203- 894-5570, ext. 32604 within 48 hours of the absence. We may require signed notes (and possibly other documentation) for students with total absences (unexcused and excused) in excess of nine for the school year. For more information about our attendance policy, please visit our Attendance and Truancy page or refer to our student handbook, which can be found on the Our School page.
What if my child needs to leave school early?
A parent or guardian must sign out and pick up students at the front office if they need to leave before our regular dismissal time.
Does FES offer breakfast and lunch?
Yes. Each school supports an excellent nutrition program with healthy and balanced meal options. You may view menus and nutritional information on our Nutrislice page.
Do you provide transportation services?
Ridgefield Public Schools is pleased to provide students at each of our schools with safe, reliable transportation to and from school each day. We expect all students to adhere to the rules for their own safety as well as the safety of others. For information on bus policies, schedules, and routes, please visit our district Transportation page.
Does FES allow visitors during the school day?
We welcome parents and community members to be a part of our school community in many capacities. For security reasons, we require all parents or other visitors to first sign in at the security desk and wear a visitor’s badge while in the school or on school grounds (e.g., the playground).
Visitors do affect the classroom environment, so we only allow authorized persons to come into our classrooms. We authorize parents to be in classrooms when teachers invite them to visit or volunteer. Parents may not go to classrooms or therapy rooms, the health room, the cafeteria, or to our playground without prior authorization from the principal and without a reason to do so that is acceptable to the teacher or principal.
What if my child requires medication during the school day?
The school nurse, upon written authorization of a health care provider, may administer over-the-counter and prescription medication. We will administer medication in accordance with state regulations and with physician and parental approval. Please visit our district Registration page to view and complete our medication authorization form. Parents and guardians must bring medications to the front office in the original, labeled packaging.
What is PowerSchool and how do I get a username and password to use it?
PowerSchool is just another way we keep communication between home and school strong. It provides you with almost real-time access to your child’s grades, attendance history, and other important information. To receive your log-in information, please contact the front office.
How will your school ensure my child’s safety?
Your child’s safety is extremely important to us. To help keep everybody safe, we ask that all visitors to our campus follow our security procedures. Visitors must enter the school grounds via the main entrance and show a photo ID. We will provide a temporary photo ID to wear while on our campus, which will expire at the end of the school day. We ask that visitors check out when leaving the school. Thank you for your support of this important security procedure.
Is visitor parking available at your school?
Yes, the visitor parking at our school is clearly identified within the school parking lot. We ask all visitors to park only in visitor spaces to avoid a fine or ticket that may result by parking elsewhere.
Where should I enter the school?
We ask that all visitors to our school enter only through the main entrance. Only staff members may use their ID badges to enter through other entrances.
Will my child have access to the Internet while on campus?
Students can access the Internet for homework and school-related research from our computer lab, library, and some classrooms under the supervision of qualified school personnel. We require all students to abide by our Acceptable Use Policy (which can be found in our student handbook). We expect our students to behave responsibly on school computer networks.
How do I stay informed about RPS guidelines related to COVID-19?
It is important to us to keep you informed about the guidelines related to COVID-19. To accomplish this, please review RPS’ COVID-19 practices. This document will supply you with RPS’ protocols and policy as well as advice for parents related to COVID-19.
What school security measures are in place?
Thank you for your close attention to the following reminders to keep RPS safe.
- All RPS campuses are closed to the public during school hours. Please do not use RPS grounds as a place to walk, a way to cut through, or for any other reason.
- All visitors must have an appointment with a staff member or a purpose for their visit.
- Once granted access to the building, please do not hold the door open for a different guest entering the building.